NICE Future Initiative Partners
To reach the broadest possible audience, the NICE Future initiative collaborates with many organization types and international initiatives. Please contact us if you are interested in partnering with NICE Future to advance the international dialogue about integrated clean energy solutions incorporating nuclear energy. Collaboration opportunities include joint workshops, webinars, events, informational material and other activities in order to raise visibility of both the issues and the work of the partners.
American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) is the premier organization for those that embrace the nuclear sciences and technologies for their vital contributions to improving people’s lives and preserving the planet. ANS works to advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.

International Energy Agency
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an intergovernmental agency that works to ensure reliable, affordable, and clean energy for its 30 member countries and beyond. Its mission is guided by four main areas of focus: energy security, economic development, environmental awareness and engagement worldwide.
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates cooperation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructures to seek excellence in nuclear safety, technology, science, environment and law. The NEA is under the framework of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

International Atomic Energy Agency
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field. The IAEA works for safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, contributing to international peace and security and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation
International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation provides a forum for cooperation among participating states to explore mutually beneficial approaches to ensure the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes proceeds in a manner that is efficient and meets the highest standards of safety, security and nonproliferation.

Generation IV International Forum
The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is a co-operative international endeavour that was set up to carry out the research and development needed to establish the feasibility and performance capabilities of the next generation nuclear energy systems.

ClearPath is a U.S.-based organization focused on developing and advancing policies that accelerate clean energy innovation. ClearPath collaborates with academics and industry focusing on nuclear, carbon capture, hydropower, natural gas and energy storage innovations.

Third Way
Third Way is a U.S.-based organization that advocates for policies that will drive innovation and deployment of clean energy technologies. Third Way’s technology-inclusive approach encompasses renewables, nuclear energy, carbon capture, efficiency and other tools that can rapidly cut carbon emissions from the global economy.

Energy for Humanity
Energy for Humanity is a UK- and Switzerland-based non-profit organization with a global outlook focused on enabling universal access to modern energy services and reducing emissions from energy technologies.
Energy Options Network
Energy Options Network provides technical expertise to countries and organizations to accelerate the commercialization and deployment of clean energy technologies with a focus on practical applications for the developing world.
Women in Nuclear Global
Women in Nuclear Global (WIN Global) is a worldwide nonprofit association of women working professionally in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications. With 35,000 members from 109 countries united to advance the role of women in the nuclear industry, WIN Global has helped the initiative produce documents and information including why the nuclear energy workforce of the future needs women leaders.

International Youth Nuclear Congress
The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) is a global network of the future generation of professionals in the nuclear field dedicated to developing new approaches to communicating benefits of nuclear power, promoting further peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology for the welfare of humankind and working to transfer knowledge from the current generation of leading scientists to the next generation and across international boundaries.

TerraPraxis is a non-profit organisation focused on action for climate and prosperity. TerraPraxis was founded to design and implement strategies that leverage science, technology and energy innovation for a prosperous planet. Their focus is on enabling high-impact rapid transitions for neglected parts of the decarbonization challenge.

To further the goals of the initiative, the NICE Future initiative works with industry partners. These partners help connect the initiative to the innovative areas where our work can have the greatest impact. They include: