NICE Future Initiative Events
Events represent one of the primary ways in which we help bring nuclear into the clean energy conversation. Contact us to learn how to participate at an upcoming event, or to partner with the NICE Future initiative on other events.
The NICE Future initiative at recent events
NICE Future at the 74th Nuclear Development Committee (NDC)
17 July 2021
Dr. Jordan Cox of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory gave remarks as the operating agent team member of the Clean Energy Ministerial's NICE Future initiative, including its Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear Renewables Integration. Find his full, published presentation here: NICE Future at the 74th NDC.
NICE Future at the 12th Annual Clean Energy Ministerial
31 May 2021 - 6 June 2021, Virtual
Nuclear energy's contributions to the clean energy transition will be featured at prerecorded events, sponsored by the Clean Energy Ministerial's NICE Future initiative, and available for replay throughout the week. The “Pathways to Net Zero with Nuclear Innovation” event features remarks from ministers and energy leaders about diverse national and multi-national pathways to net zero. Two other exciting nuclear events are featured, organized by environmental non-profits TerraPraxis, Third Way, and ClearPath for the NICE Future initiative, and are titled “Clean Energy and Green Hydrogen for Fuels and Industrial Heat” and “Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration.” Learn more by reviewing the CEM-12 NICE Future event informational flyer or by reviewing our webinars page.

NICE Future at the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP): Forum 2021
2-4 February 2021 virtual event
This forum is the annual conference of the biggest European nuclear stakeholders and will take place online from February 2-4, 2021. Dr. Shannon Bragg-Sitton joined a discussion on hybrid/integrated energy systems and related technologies (including a discussion of the NICE Future initiative).
Dr. Jill Engel-Cox Participates in the 7th Annual Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF)
30 September 2020 virtual event
Dr. Jill Engel-Cox, of the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis and the NICE Future Initiative, presented at the ICEF session titled Innovations in Nuclear Energy. This session focused on the latest status and challenges of technology development for nuclear power generation and heat utilization and discussed the potential of nuclear power as a CO2-free energy source. Learn more about the event on the ICEF Program page or read Dr. Engel-Cox's full presentation here.
NICE Future Hosts Side Event at CEM11 and Launches Report on Nuclear Flexibility
15 September 2020 virtual event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
NICE Future took part in CEM11 by hosting a side event where speakers discussed how emerging nuclear energy breakthroughs can improve system flexibility, support the integration of higher shares of variable renewable energy, and ultimately lead to cleaner, more resilient power. The event launched a major new technical report by the NICE Future initiative's Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration (FNC) which engaged experts from nine ministries, five multi-governmental organizations and 14 other organizations. Watch the recording of the event here.

NICE Future attends CEM11 Preparatory Meeting
3-6 February 2020 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Members of the NICE Future Initiative traveled to Riyadh to take part in the CEM11 Preparatory Meeting. The preparatory event offered an occasion to solidify programming for CEM 11, network with participants, and share insights.

NICE Future Showcased at IFNEC events
13–14 November 2019 in Washington, D.C.
The NICE Future initiative was prominently featured during the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation's (IFNEC's) Ministerial-level Executive Committee meeting and Global Ministerial Conference titled, Bringing the World Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Nuclear. Learn more.

Nuclear-Focused Side Events at CEM10: The Tenth Clean Energy Ministerial
27-29 May 2019 in Vancouver, Canada
Ministers from more than 25 countries gathered in Vancouver, Canada, to accelerate progress towards a clean energy future. The NICE Future initiative sponsored two official side events to highlight the initiative's first publication and the roles that dispatchable nuclear technology can play in clean energy systems. The initiative also co-sponsored a film screening on the roles that innovation and young professionals are playing in the nuclear industry. Learn more.

Panel Discussions at COP24: 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
2–15 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland
At COP 24 the NICE Future initiative led a diverse panel of leaders to discuss how emissions reductions could be accelerated by utilizing advanced nuclear technologies. Learn more.

Panel Presentation at the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) 2018 and the Millennial Nuclear Caucus (MNC) side event
13 November 2018 in Tokyo, Japan
The NICE Future initiative led panel discussions and hosted a side event for attendees to discuss and ask questions about the role of nuclear energy in clean energy systems. The side event, sponsored by the Millennial Nuclear Caucus, focused on engaging youth, workforce development and the next generation of nuclear engineers. Learn more.

Keynote Address at the Generation IV International Forum (GIF): 8th Edition of Atoms for the Future
16–17 October 2018 in Paris, France
The NICE Future initiative held a keynote address to the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). GIF has been a traditionally nuclear-focused forum for discussing advances in next-generation nuclear reactor designs. This keynote helped build a cross-sectoral dialogue about how nuclear energy can contribute to larger clean energy systems. Learn more.
Launch of the NICE Future Initiative at CEM9: The Ninth Annual Clean Energy Ministerial
23–24 March 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark
The NICE Future initiative was officially launched at the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial, where Canada, Japan and the United States led a discussion by ministers on the role that nuclear energy can play in future clean energy systems. Learn more.