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Join Us

There are many ways to get involved and contribute to the NICE Future initiative based on your organization type. Joining the initiative requires no upfront commitment or contribution, but we do hope that the members of the initiative feel empowered to contribute and we expect partners to take leadership on activities in their countries in relation to the NICE Future initiative. There are two categories of organizations we seek to work with under the NICE Future initiative, participant countries and partner organizations. Please see below to learn more about how your organization can get involved. We hope you will reach out to us to find ways to collaborate on sharing the role that innovative nuclear technologies can play in future clean energy systems.

Participant Countries

Any CEM government can participate in the NICE Future initiative with the expectation that each will:

  • Participate meaningfully in at least one initiative activity through contributions of funding, staff time, and/or other resources in-kind
  • Participate in the NICE Future initiative planning and management activities (e.g., calls and meetings)
  • Participate in work planning by identifying activities and providing input on proposals for activities to be undertaken.

Non-CEM governments can participate by mutual agreement of the lead countries. The same expectations apply to non-CEM members’ involvement as for CEM members.

All NICE Future initiative participants contribute to sharing of information and experience and to external outreach for the initiative.

Any participating government may designate organizations, such as a national laboratory, to engage on its behalf.

NICE Future initiative participants and partners will meet periodically, preferably twice a year via teleconference, webinar, or in person. Working groups, as they are established, will be invited to report progress in these meetings.

You can Contact Us to request to join the initiative.

Expert Group To Research the Impacts on Social Equity and Economic Empowerment

To accelerate the replacement of unabated coal plants with new, advanced nuclear technologies and to bring about breakthrough nuclear innovations, the NICE Future initiative launched the Expert Group To Research the Impacts on Social Equity and Economic Empowerment, or RISE3. Learn more about the expert group and how to get involved by visiting the RISE3 web page.


Partners are external, non-governmental organizations that are engaged with or supportive of the NICE Future initiative’s activities and as agreed to by the lead countries.

Prospective non-governmental partners are asked to submit a request to join the initiative in writing to the lead countries. In the request, these organizations should identify the NICE Future initiative activities in which they would like to engage. In considering requests from prospective partners, lead countries will evaluate the following:

  • Alignment of the activities with the objectives of the NICE Future initiative
  • The value added by prospective partner’s proposed activities in support of the strategic objectives of the NICE Future initiative
  • The balance of representation of ideas of the prospective partner from nuclear and non-nuclear areas of the clean energy sector.

Partners are expected to provide the in-kind support or funding necessary to support their own engagement in the initiative.

You can Contact Us to request to join the initiative.
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