NICE Future Initiative Webinars
With assistance from the governments of Canada, Japan, and the United States, the NICE Future initiative offers free webinars on nuclear energy topics for any interested parties around the world.

Webinars on YouTube
Global Imperatives, Local Solutions—Actions To Accelerate Innovative Nuclear Deployment
22 September 2022
At the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ministers and leaders discussed strategies to lift up communities around the world with technical support and near-term, cutting-edge nuclear innovation and also shared perspectives on how to bring rapid solutions to the climate change and energy security crises. The event celebrated the sunsetting of the Clean Energy Ministerial's NICE Future Flexible Nuclear Campaign (FNC) for Nuclear-Renewables Integration and announced the transition to the NICE Future three-year Campaign to Research the Impacts on Social Equity and Economic Empowerment (RISE3) through nuclear innovation.
Climate-Scale Solutions With Nuclear-Produced Hydrogen: Net-Zero Carbon Synthetic Fuels
29 JUNE 2022
The NICE Future initiative and the Hydrogen Initiative (H2I) of the Clean Energy Ministerial jointly present a webinar on nuclear-produced hydrogen as a climate change solution. Experts across several industries and organizations discuss the prospects for nuclear-derived zero-carbon fuels. Viewers learn about innovative ways nuclear power can be used to efficiently produce hydrogen for use in synthetic fuels, which in turn can decarbonize transportation and industrial sectors. Learn more by exploring the event's presentation deck.
Investing in Low Carbon Technologies: Job Creation for Just Energy Transitions
5 APRIL 2022
In partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the NICE Future initiative hosted a webinar exploring how low-carbon energy sources, such as nuclear and renewables, can create opportunities for economic growth and increase the quality of living through job creation while aligning investments with climate change mitigation targets. Learn more by reading the webinar presentation deck.
Climate-Scale Solutions With Nuclear-Produced Hydrogen: Global Perspectives on Progress
23 MARCH 2022
Presented in partnership with the Clean Energy Ministerial's Hydrogen Initiative, this webinar shares how nuclear technologies are being harnessed to produce hydrogen around the globe and the new policies and investments that are paving the way for the wide-scale deployment of these technologies.
De-Risking Decarbonization With Advanced Nuclear
11 NOVEMBER 2021
A group of prominent energy and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry, and trade organizations discussed the role of advanced nuclear energy in a decarbonized world. The organizations included ClearPath, Third Way, TerraPraxis, Clean Air Task Force, Nuclear Innovation Alliance, U.S. Nuclear Industry Council, Ultra-Safe Nuclear Corporation, and Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Delivering a Just Transition to a Clean Energy Future and Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
5 November 2021
This side event to COP26 explores how nuclear technologies will help meet many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and, alongside other clean energy technologies, will enable communities and nations to preserve jobs and support economies in a just transition to a resilient carbon-free future.
Nuclear Innovation for a Net Zero World
4 November 2021
This event, held at COP26, includes a multi-stakeholder conversation on the complementary role of nuclear power and renewables in the transition towards a carbon-neutral future and how international cooperation is needed to enable this transition to net zero.
65th IAEA General Conference U.S. Delegation
20 September 2021
Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm leads the U.S. delegation at the 65th IAEA General Conference in Vienna, Austria.
Nuclear Energy's Contribution to Net Zero and the Sustainable Development Goals
29 June 2021
This event presented the important role of nuclear energy, alongside other clean energy technologies, to achieve the Paris Agreement commitments and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as to meet global energy needs.
CEM-12: Pathways to Net Zero Emissions with Nuclear Innovation
3 June 2021
The NICE Future initiative at CEM-12 hosted a discussion about diverse national and multi-national pathways to net zero.
CEM-12: Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration
31 May 2021
The NICE Future initiative hosted a discussion at CEM-12 about the Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration (FNC).
CEM-12: Clean Energy and Green Hydrogen for Fuels and Industrial Heat
31 May 2021
The NICE Future initiative at CEM-12 hosted a side event exploring opportunities to target hard-to-abate sectors with advanced heat sources and hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels to accelerate cost-effective transitions to zero emissions energy systems.
Youth in Clean Energy Series Part 2: Policy and Financial Lessons - Advancing Energy and Climate Goals with Low Carbon Energy Systems
22 April 2021
In Part 2 of the Youth in Clean Energy series, presentations focused on assessing the costs of decarbonization, youth workforce development, and how innovative policy and financing can better support low carbon power systems.
Youth in Clean Energy Series Part 1: Roles for Nuclear Power in Low-Carbon Energy Systems to Achieve Just and Clean Energy Transitions
9 April 2021
Speakers from around the world convened to discuss the role nuclear power can play in low-carbon energy systems. This event is part one in a two-part webinar series presented by NICE Future and the International Youth Nuclear Congress.
Women’s Clean Energy Wednesday: International Spotlight on Rwanda
9 November 2020
C3E International is proud to partner with the U.S. government's Power Africa Initiative for this inaugural Women's Clean Energy Wednesday webinar.
Inform and Inspire the Next Generation Series: Part II
28 October 2020
The Inform and Inspire the Next Generation Series showcases educational activities that inspire the next generation to explore energy solutions, including nuclear energy technologies, for clean, reliable, resilient, and integrated systems.
International Atomic Energy Agency Scientific Forum 2020 - Live Interview with Kirsty Gogan
23 September 2020
Kirsty Gogan, Co-founder of Energy for Humanity and Managing Director at LucidCatalyst, discusses the much needed transition to clean energy and the role played by nuclear.
Opening Plenary Session of the 11th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM11)
22 September 2020
In this extraordinary year, the 11th annual Clean Energy Ministerial meeting (CEM11) was hosted virtually by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, livestreamed for the first time ever, and open to a global audience.
U.S. Spotlight on K-12 Nuclear Science Curriculum Initiatives and STEM Engagement
19 August 2020
This webinar presents new ways experts are growing the next generation of young minds with innovative approaches to STEM education. Starting with a discussion of successful new programs in the U.S., the webinar will preview upcoming webinars in the series focusing on other countries.
Country Spotlight: Russia - Shaping the Clean Energy Future
17 July 2020
The webinar presents the ongoing discussions in Russia on climate change and potential of nuclear power in shaping the clean energy future. Panelists discuss the 2050 low-carbon agenda and sustainable energy mix, carbon footprints and anthropogenic heat flows generated by energy consumption, challenges and opportunities of decarbonization in Russia. Panelists analyze the economic viability of nuclear power plants in the context of climate change and present a new data visualization tool for predictive analytics.
Nuclear Energy in Clean Energy Planning in Latin America
25 June 2020
Learn about Latin America’s main nuclear energy programs, commercial opportunities, current and future challenges of their nuclear industries, key decision-maker approaches to addressing the requirements of stakeholders, and their commitment, at a regional level, to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
American Nuclear Society presents Spotlight on the National Labs: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
20 May 2020
Learn about NREL's history and how the lab is leading the way in advancing clean energy technologies and their integration into the global energy system, including evaluation of multi-technology, multi-sectoral solutions with nuclear energy. NREL applies its expertise worldwide to scale up use of advanced renewable energy technologies for the power, transport, buildings, and industrial sectors and optimize overall energy system performance. They have extensive experience in adapting and applying energy solutions for countries and all regions throughout the world. Hear about the clean energy jobs of the future, energy transformations, and opportunities to engage internationally across various technologies and with multiple stakeholders.
Microreactors in the Near Horizon: Innovative Solutions for Clean Energy Systems
25 March 2020
The American Nuclear Society Young Members Group (YMG), the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative, and the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) proudly hosted this webinar on how microreactors will empower many innovative uses in our future clean energy economy.
Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future?
18 March 2020
Frequently heralded as the fuel of the future for the last few decades, hydrogen may finally be on the cusp of converting its vast potential to reality. In the lead up to the June 2020 Eleventh CEM meeting in Viña del Mar Chile, review the slides of a recent webinar to see how ministers and stakeholders plan to accelerate action to realize hydrogen’s potential.
Energy-Water Nexus: Can Nuclear Technologies Build Water Security?
6 February 2020
Learn about the Water Security Grand Challenge and the ways that nuclear technologies can support water security.
Communicating the Roles of Nuclear Energy in Clean Energy Systems: Spotlight on Young Professionals and Africa
12 September 2019
The webinar will explore the importance of sharing nuclear energy’s clean energy story. Attendees will learn from our colleagues from African countries how nuclear energy fits into their national clean energy systems and economic growth policy planning, now and in the future, and how millennials from Africa are sharing their stories.
An Introduction to Communicating the Role of Nuclear Energy in Clean Energy Systems for Young Professionals
30 April 2019
A panel of young professionals working in nuclear and nuclear science related fields discuss how they share the story of innovative nuclear energy in their communities while providing ideas for others to get involved. We invite you to watch this webinar and consider sharing your story with the initiative.
A New Nuclear Energy Agency Report and the True Costs of Decarbonisation
25 April 2019
Panelists discuss how the existing electricity market makes certain energy transitions challenging and NEA’s findings on the optimal mixes of clean technologies and key policies needed for the transition.
Women and the NICE Future initiative: Building the gender-inclusive workforce of the future
24 April 2019
Participants in this webinar discuss how the NICE Future initiative is collaborating within the Clean Energy Ministerial to foster a more diverse and gender-inclusive workforce in the nuclear sector globally.
The Promise and Potential of Micro-Reactors
23 March 2019
Representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy lead a discussion with a panel of experts about the potential of innovative designs and the timeline to deployment of microreactors.
The 2018 World Energy Outlook Report and the Future of Global Nuclear Power
23 January 2019
Experts from the International Energy Agency share insights and findings from the World Energy Outlook 2018 report.
Generation IV Reactor Systems and Renewable Energy
3 December 2018
Dr. Hideki Kamide discusses how advanced reactor technologies and renewable energy can work together in future clean energy systems.
Integration of Intermittent Renewables and Nuclear for a Low Carbon Society: MIT-Japan Joint Study
1 November 2018
Academic experts from Japan and the United States discuss their recently released joint study on the challenges and opportunities facing nuclear energy. The study includes results about some of the challenges of the nuclear industry in a range of developed and developing countries.
Nuclear Reimagined and Meeting Clean Energy Goals: Why NGOs Care About the Clean Energy Ministerial NICE Future Initiative
26 September 2018
U.S. NGOs ClearPath and Third Way join representatives from the NICE Future initiative to give an overview of the initiative, various applications of advanced nuclear technologies, their integration into communities and the status of advanced reactors in the U.S. and Canadian licensing processes. They discuss how the human impact of these systems make understanding nuclear technologies very important for NGOs.
Technology Overview for Integrated Nuclear/Renewable Energy Systems
12 July 2018
Representatives of the United States and Canada provide an overview of the motivations for integrated energy system research, the technology solutions being investigated, the modeling and simulation tools that have been developed to optimize system design and dynamic performance, analysis results and planned concept demonstrations.
Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future—Creating Opportunities for Cross-Sectoral Cooperation (Session 2)
7 May 2018
Founding partners of the NICE Future initiative provide a follow-on update of the initiative and opportunities for joining the initiative in this second session webinar on cross-sectoral cooperation opportunities under the initiative.
Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future—Creating Opportunities for Cross-Sectoral Cooperation (Session 1)
1 May 2018
Founding partners of the NICE Future initiative provide an update on the initiative, preparations to launch it at CEM 9, and opportunities for countries joining the initiative.
Webinar announcements
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